In Your Head with Jodi and Judy
Welcome to In Your Head with Jodi and Judy! We are all about harnessing the power of your mindset for success.
We are two professional career women, moms, and mental growth gurus who want to help people get out of their own way so they can live the life they desire with empowerment and intention.
Most of us grow up adopting bad habits that don’t serve us, but actually sabotage our performance, relationships, self-actualization and the pursuit of happiness, freedom, and success. In this podcast we share insight, real life experiences, and proven techniques for squelching those bad habits once and for all.
You will learn how to identify when you are in self-sabotage mode, intercept those saboteurs, and retrain your neural pathways while increasing your mental muscle and developing stronger self-command.
Regardless of whether you self-sabotage in your career, your relationships, or other aspects of your life, mental fitness is the key to achieving your dreams. Your attitude and behavior is completely your choice! So stop letting your bad habits prevent you from achieving what you deserve by choosing to do the things that serve you best.
-Judy Gielniak & Jodi Hallerman
In Your Head with Jodi and Judy
Episode 16: Mastering Energy Level Index Three: Energy for Mindset and Leadership.
What if your ability to influence and lead was rooted not just in your actions, but in your energy? Join us, Judy and Jodi, as we navigate the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) framework, focusing on the logical and rational state of level three, energy. This episode illuminates how recognizing our energy levels can transform our effectiveness, especially in stressful situations. We use the story of Sarah, a project manager, to show how level three energy can boost work performance by managing stress and uplifting team morale, even if sometimes it means skirting deeper issues.
Picture this: maintaining harmony in relationships while avoiding unresolved tensions. Sound familiar? We explore the dynamics of level three energy within personal and professional settings, as shared through John's relationship experiences and Judy's family conflicts. Although this energy level provides resilience and a solution-focused mindset, it can lead to inauthenticity and unresolved personal growth. We discuss how balancing the positive aspects of level three energy with a willingness to tackle deeper issues can lead to more genuine relationships.
As we wrap up, we invite listeners to engage with our community and prepare for a transformative journey into level four energy. This upcoming episode promises to explore the empathetic and collaborative spirit that defines compassionate leadership. Get ready to unlock new levels of connection and understanding, enhancing both your leadership style and personal relationships.
Chapter Summaries:
(00:00) Understanding Energy Levels in Leadership
Level three energy in the ELI framework involves rationality, responsibility, and coping, with both benefits and drawbacks.
(11:08) Navigating Energy Levels in Leadership
Level three energy has pros and cons, impacting personal growth and work performance, but can bring resilience and focus.
(16:42) Navigating Conflict and Emotions in Relationships
Level three energy impacts work and personal relationships, balancing harmony with addressing deeper issues.
(32:06) Transforming Relationships With Compassionate Leadership
Join us on Facebook to discuss levels 1-3 energy and look forward to exploring level 4's anabolic power of compassion and collaboration.
00:00 - Judy (Host)
Hey there, this is Judy and I'm Jodi. Welcome to the In your Head podcast. We've been talking about the ELI, the Energy Leadership Index, and today we're going to dive into level three, energy. But first, as a recap, I just want to mention that the ELI is all about how your energy affects your mindset and behaviors. It's a powerful way to understand not just how you think, but how you show up in different situations, both on regular days and in times of stress. The idea is this energy is at the root of what's happening in any room, and often it's what's not being said. The ELI measures that energy, giving you insight into how you typically operate and how you respond when challenges arise. The more you understand your energy levels, the more effective you can be, not just as a leader, but in any role or area of your life. So in our last episode we dove into level two energy, what I like to call, or what Jodi and I both like to call, the fighter energy. Right, Jodi?
01:08 - Jody (Co-host)
01:09 - Judy (Host)
So this is where conflict and competition are the driving forces. And then another important fact I don't know if we've talked about, but just for reference is that levels one, three and five are mental levels. This is where we use more of our logic and our reasoning. We're more in our head here. And then levels two, four and six are the emotional levels, where we're more in our heart space. So just so that you have that reference. And then there's level seven, which is all about transcendence. It's about seeing the bigger picture beyond the mental and emotional states. Obviously, the better you understand and manage these energy levels, the more you can shift into the most effective energy for any situation. So why don't we dive into level three?
01:51 - Jody (Co-host)
Yes, let's talk about level three. So, as Judy just mentioned, there are those more mental levels, those more emotional levels, and level three is really a level where your logical reasoning dominates, and often at the expense of emotional well-being. So people tend to suppress their feelings and they rely more on coping mechanisms, just for that self-protection. They start becoming masters of rationalization, always thinking it's fine, I'm fine, so we tolerate things and explain them away. But judgment still lingers, because when you're doing that and you're explaining things away, you're still judging a situation as good or bad, or a situation with a person is good or bad. You might be thinking in your mind you need forgiveness, but I'm going to forgive you.
So I don't know if that makes sense, but you're kind of justifying here. So level three serves as a bridge from the catabolic energy of one and two to the first level of anabolic energy and that's that more positive building up energy. So while we're making the best of a less than ideal situation, again, we still judge it as imperfect and the challenge here is really focusing on the positive while the negative is still visible. So a little demonstration of that. As Bruce Schneider, who created the whole Energy Leadership Index, puts it, it's like polishing a turd, so it's nice and polished but it's still a turd.
So the core thoughts when you're in level three, it's more of a level where you take some responsibility. So we start owning our feelings and our choices, start taking some accountability for our experiences. We are able to find the silver lining. So even though we're seeing the clouds, we're still able to see the silver lining, making lemonade out of lemons. You start kind of feeling like you know, life and work are just what we make of it. So people are generally good. They just don't know better. Everyone is different and that's okay. So core emotions at this level is one of forgiveness. We let go of resentment or anger, we start excusing the faults or mistakes of other people. There's kind of a sense of relief and a peace of mind. So it's kind of a safe space for those uncomfortable with deep emotions and it's a level where we're just able to maintain harmony.
04:11 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, I like to. Sometimes I say this I've said this for decades actually when something is not going the way I want it to go, I just say well, it is what it is.
04:22 - Jody (Co-host)
Yes, exactly.
04:23 - Judy (Host)
That's an example of a level three statement. And a lot of times when we're in level one or two, the natural progression is to move into three. So if you're angry about something when you get over it, a lot of time we're in that level three. We're okay. Well, that happened. What are the positives here? What's the next step? So that's an example of going from level two to level three to show you the differences.
So the results are the actions. So let's start with the actions that can come from level three. So one example is the ability to collaborate with others to keep projects on track by focusing on shared goals, and that might be despite the internal conflicts or challenges that are present. It's just again that way of moving forward, Also recognizing the tendency in yourself to rationalize and using coping mechanisms to maintain progress. Those are some actions from level three. Results are that obviously it allows a team to keep moving forward or allows us as individuals to move forward, and again, we might have a common goal when working in teams, which is helpful in level three, and it ensures continuity and that project completion while maintaining those personal and team barriers that still might be there. So it's not resolving those barriers, it's just sort of moving forward anyhow.
05:40 - Jody (Co-host)
Managing them a little better.
05:41 - Judy (Host)
Managing them, coping, getting through it. And again, each of these energy levels. We'll talk about it later but there are benefits and disadvantages to both of them. So sometimes we want to be in this level three. If we're dealing with a crisis, for example, we don't have time to resolve it, we just need to get through it, right? Yeah, so let's talk about some ways to observe level three in others. Here are some phrases or thoughts that might come up from other people when they're in level three. I really should do this. It's the right thing to do. How can I make this work to my advantage? What are the positives, what are the silver linings here? Well, he didn't really mean it, he was just stressed, right. Let's see if we can figure out a way to make this work. What are some other thoughts that come to mind for you, jodi?
06:27 - Jody (Co-host)
Well, it's that kind of it's fine, he's fine, I'm fine. I'm sure this will all work out fine. We just need to do the best with what we have. That's kind of excusing like things aren't ideal. We're going to do the best with what we have.
It is what it is. Just let it go, move on. Life's too short to let things get us down. I think those are all kind of good examples of level three. And, judy, I was going to say one thing I'd like about level three, because I think many of us can get in that level one and two and those things are such they do tear you down. Level three is such an it's a fairly easy move into that positive levels of energy, because again, you're not, you're still, there's still things wrong, you see that. But you're able to at least pull out the the good and the silver lining.
So some of the characteristics of people and organizations experiencing level level three energy. And again I say organizations, because just as people have energy levels, organizations operate within energy levels as well. So for people they motivate themselves and others by finding ways to cope, to release, to forgive, to explain away their resentment, their stress, their disappointments, and that's like an internal explaining away. They respond with logic, so they don't react with emotion. They avoid conflict to keep the peace, always cooperating and compromising. They make excuses just to be able to rationalize things in their own mind. They often judge and blame others, but it's much less so than at level two. What are other things for people? Other characteristics, judy.
08:10 - Judy (Host)
So perhaps they don't allow circumstances or others to get in the way of what they want. People might avoid, block or release the negativity they're experiencing from others. They're able to engage others with hopes and promises, sort of those positives. People can also be manipulative in this energy level as well.
On the plus side, they can be good teammates too, right? Really, at this level, people are this is the first level where we're all taking responsibility for getting things done and for our actions here at level three, Right. And then let's shift over to organizations, and we just talked about how characteristics of of for people with level three. Here's some characteristics for organizations. Organizations might have a low level of communication between staff and leadership. That certainly exists out there, right? But in organizations as a whole that demonstrate level three energy, they still have the ability to communicate should the need arise. The focus in these organizations might be on short-term goal achievement rather than long-term, and also, there could be a sense of calm and peacefulness in the environment in an organization that's at level three. And I should say we have an assessment, jodi, and it's called the Energy Leadership Index Assessment that measures an individual's level of energy on any given day and also under stress.
We can also do that for organizations, right, you know, we can have everyone on a team, take the assessment and then measure the overall collective energy level on good days and during challenges for the team as well.
09:58 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, and I think about. I've worked in organizations where there's very little conflict, everybody just kind of goes about their business, does their thing, not a high level of over-communicatingicating, where some organizations just are constant communication and there's goods and bads of both. But it's interesting. It's not a bad type of organization to work in because it's fairly easy. But it may not be the most productive, it may not be the most efficient.
10:26 - Judy (Host)
Right Vision may be lacking because we don't have those long-term goals as much as just getting through the short-term projects.
10:32 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah. So okay, Judy, let's talk about the disadvantages we mentioned. There's disadvantages and there's benefits of every level, so let's start out with some of the disadvantages. What would those be?
10:43 - Judy (Host)
Right? Well, you know, one can be manipulative in level three energy. That can be a disadvantage. So it's being self-absorbed or concerned only about yourself that can exist here. So people operating at this level might prioritize their own needs and desires over others, sometimes using that manipulation to achieve their goals, and obviously this self-centered approach can strain relationships and erode trust over time. Another disadvantage can come from, you know, issuing hopes and promises from this level three energy. A lot of times they're not really from the heart because, remember, this is a logical energy level and that means that we're not being as authentic as we could be right, because we're trying to move forward.
you know promises, hopes, just move forward and over time you know this can lead to disappointment and a lack of authenticity and interactions, which isn't necessarily a good thing. What are some other things?
11:41 - Jody (Co-host)
Well, I think we also. Again, this is kind of a rationalizing so we don't get too concerned if things don't work out, because as long as we did our best. So there is a tendency to rationalize your failures by claiming you know, I did everything I could, I tried as hard as I could, and rather than truly reflecting on maybe what went wrong or how you could improve, we just kind of move on and sometimes what happens is we don't get resolution. We move past maybe an underlying issue without addressing it. This does a couple of things. Number one, it hinders your personal growth and your accountability, but it also can lead to recurring issues and lack of true resolution around what was really going on. So I think that's a real disadvantage when you don't really look deeper at the underlying problems, you just ignore them and excuse you know did the best I could.
12:31 - Judy (Host)
Absolutely and along those lines. This can lead to a lot of tolerance, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but over time that leads to complacency, and we know with complacency that we're accepting situations and behaviors that aren't ideal and we're not actually resolving them in that way either. We're not moving forward with improvement and positive changes. It also can suppress our lower energies and prevent real growth by avoiding pain, right, Sort of like procrastination and not dealing with the issue at hand, just glossing over it. That doesn't have good effects in the long-term either, right?
13:10 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, well, because I think when you confront and work through things that are pain, painful or hard, that really is necessary for true development, whether it's with an organization or for just you as an individual.
So, yeah, okay, so it's not all negative. There's some great benefits of level three energy. The first one just is that we don't allow others to hold us back. So we're pretty adept at maintaining focus and drive and not letting others' negativity or doubts deter us from our true goals. So it's resilience that really helps us stay on track and achieve our objectives. Also, it helps when you're in level three energy you can avoid, block and release negativity from others. So it's having that ability to effectively manage and deflect negative energy that others might be emitting out and then maintaining that positive, productive mindset. This really helps you stay motivated and less affected by that external negativity. Anything else.
14:09 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, Well, I think a lot of what we're saying is just the polar opposite of what we said before. Right, yeah, exactly Whatever the disadvantages are, the polar opposite of that is the benefits or advantages of level three. So a key strength of level three is focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This proactive approach enables that continuous progress and helps overcome obstacles efficiently, so that can be an advantage to using this. So I think it's more about when is it helpful to use this energy and when is it helpful to use a different energy. Like we talked about before, maybe in a crisis, it's really helpful to use level two and three right Click action, move forward, work together, get it done. That's a benefit. It also can release negativity, so we can focus. So again with releasing that negativity. That's a big key of this level as well.
15:06 - Jody (Co-host)
And I think one of the points there, Judy, is to actively release it or to like reset your energy, Because one of the things as we talk through this is that awareness and realizing like, okay, so this is recognizing what level you're in being able to release those negative thoughts and emotions and then just kind of reset your focus and maintain clarity. Right, so take some practice, but it's definitely supports your mental and emotional wellbeing Absolutely.
15:35 - Judy (Host)
So let's talk about some impacts of level three. We've got a couple of hypotheticals here that we can share with you. We're going to take a look at how it can affect personal life, work performance and our relationships as well. So let's assume, for as an example in work life life that we have this professional. Her name is Sarah and she's a project manager and she operates at level three energy quite a lot.
She's focused on maintaining a positive outlook and moving forward despite challenges that get in her way. So, on the impact side, on the positive note, her solution-focused mindset helps her navigate work-related stress effectively. When faced with a tight deadline, she doesn't dwell on the pressure, but instead looks for practical ways to meet the target. Her ability to release negativity allows her to stay calm and composed, which positively influences her team's morale. I've done this before when I've been in management, where we're in a crisis and just being able to maintain that sense of calm and composure is really helpful for people around you. And then, on the negative side, sarah's tendency to avoid deeper issues means that she's overlooking the root causes of these recurring problems, right. So, for instance, she might ignore underlying team conflicts, believing that as long as the project is on track, everything's fine. This can lead to unresolved tensions that eventually affect team cohesion and productivity. So people stop trusting at that point, right when there's the problems keep happening over and over and again.
17:15 - Jody (Co-host)
Right, right, that's a good example.
17:18 - Judy (Host)
17:18 - Jody (Co-host)
Then level three in a personal relationship. There can also be an impact there. So let's take this scenario John and Emily are in a relationship where John exhibits level three energy, so he's really good at keeping the relationship moving forward and avoiding conflicts. The positive impact of that is that his ability to block and release negativity helps them avoid unnecessary arguments. When Emily's upset about something minor, john can just diffuse the situation with his calm demeanor and focus on finding a quick resolution. This helps maintain a peaceful and harmonious relationship. On the flip side, john's tendency to suppress lower energies and avoid pain can prevent them from addressing deeper issues. So, for example, if Emily feels neglected because of John's busy work schedule, he might reassure her with promises to spend more time without genuinely addressing the underlying issue of his working too much. So this can lead Emily to feeling unheard and the problem will just persist. I think these are just simple examples of how level three energy can have both beneficial and challenging effects on personal life and relationships.
It's important to balance those positive aspects of this energy with a willingness to address those deeper issues.
18:38 - Judy (Host)
18:38 - Jody (Co-host)
When necessary you have to. So let's share some personal examples. I know you and I talk about this all the time, judy and I think we both have our share of level three energy, oh yeah. Well, mine comes up definitely most often when I'm with my family. So I think for me it really manifests the most when I have those interactions where I always want to keep the peace with the family, even when we don't agree. So the one that really really, I think, affects me is when I have family or friends whose opinions and perspectives I strongly disagree with.
I've had to really learn to tap into that level three energy by consciously choosing not to engage in conflict, which is really difficult for me to do, and it's taken me a lot of practice and I've made lots of mistakes.
But instead of expressing my true thoughts, which I know are gonna create tension, I just keep my opinions to myself. I try to stay focused, maintaining the peace in the moment, enjoying the moment, because I know, honestly, that's way more important than being right. But I definitely feel inner conflict when I do that. I've been able to kind of reframe the situation and find acceptance by telling myself that my silence is going to preserve my relationship and help avoid those unnecessary arguments. So that helps me feel good about the outcome, but it's still. I sometimes feel like it's not authentic because I'm not being fully myself. So you know, the demonstration there is like, okay, I can accept it, I can reframe it, I can focus on just making it win-win for all of us, without fully needing to express my beliefs or stir the pot. But it also is the downside for me is when I prioritize the peace over expressing my true thoughts, it makes me feel a little bit more inauthentic.
20:30 - Judy (Host)
20:31 - Jody (Co-host)
20:32 - Judy (Host)
I can see where that would feel like a lot over time right, always suppressing for the sake of peace. While it's helpful in the moment, you know over time that's got to wear on you.
20:43 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, and you start wondering is this going to create a disconnect down the road? Like, does this like slowly disconnecting? You know so, you know, but again, the time I'm together, all that's really important to me is having peace and making sure that we're able to just enjoy the moment and be together. So yeah, so it's not. It's a good thing, it's a bad thing but it's one of those things where I can intentionally choose to do that.
21:08 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, and I think what's key is being aware that you're doing that.
21:12 - Jody (Co-host)
How about you? Do you have any times when this happens?
21:15 - Judy (Host)
Oh, all the time. I think your example is relatable. I think you know, in relationships and family, you know, a lot of us find ourselves doing just what you're talking about For me. Right now I have this situation at my house. That's so unsavory.
I actually found out that I have mice in my house for the first time I've never dealt with this before and I'm so grossed out, I'm so grossed out, I'm stressed out, I'm really, really exhausted from all the work I've been doing and I feel a bit of resentment and I want to let go of that for sure. But it's funny. I first thought when I realized this was happening, joni was well time to sell the house.
So I told my husband I'm like time to go, and so we're obviously not doing that. But I am dealing with this problem about myself, because my husband I have a unique situation where we live two hours apart right now, and so it's just me and my son right now in in my house and he's teenagers, so he's not helping a whole whole lot, he's in school and whatnot, so it's just me really, and I'm having a hard time with it. So, after I got over the sort of let's sell the house period that took a few days, I immediately jumped into and this wasn't with a lot of awareness in the moment, but I immediately jumped into okay, what are the positives about this?
And I look back on it now, even though it's still happening. As we were talking about level three energy, I realized I had jumped into level three like what's the silver lining here? So I recounted the things that are good about the situation, which is the knowledge I'm gaining, and also my house is getting a deep clean. It's going to be more clean and organized, just like when I first moved in. Well, I think I never really organized it properly, but it's going to be very organized now, right? So I just immediately jumped into what can be helpful here, and so that was helpful.
This is kind of a crisis for me, so it has been helpful for me to focus on that when I'm feeling really tired or really freaked out about how long this might take for this problem to go away. The resentment part comes because, you know, I, I, the mice were coming in through the doggy door, which is no bearing on anyone but my I'm an ostomy. My, my son had been feeding the mice by just leaving food in his room and this went on for months and I didn't know it was happening until I went in there to do a deep clean and realized there's all this food under his bed.
He was not supposed to have food in his room and all of that. So I've been lecturing him pretty much every time I see him, because I'm just so upset and I'm realizing that that is catabolic, not helpful. He gets it, he's learned a lesson. That's another positive.
23:58 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, big positive.
23:59 - Judy (Host)
And I'm at the point now where I want to shift away from this level three and be able to have open communication with him that isn't negative Right and always lecturing him. So that's where I am right now. So that's an example of level three in my life.
24:15 - Jody (Co-host)
So, judy, it's fine, it's going to be fine.
24:18 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, it is what it is. Yeah, it is what it is and it will be fine.
24:23 - Jody (Co-host)
Perfect example. So let's talk about shifting, and because that is a really important thing to learn, is shifting from level three energy to higher levels, and it really involves increasing awareness, as does any time you shift to a different level. It's all about awareness. Increasing awareness, as does anytime you shift to a different level, it's all about awareness. It's embracing deeper emotional experiences because, again, this is a more logical frame of mind and it's fostering kind of a more holistic and connected approach to life. So let's talk about some strategies for increasing self-awareness first.
So there's mindfulness practices, so engaging in meditation or journaling. Those help you become more aware of your thoughts, your emotions, your behaviors, and it helps you recognize when you're operating at level three, and that's when you can identify those areas for growth. The other thing that helps increase self-awareness is just seeking feedback, so asking your friends, your family or colleagues just to gain some insights into how your actions and attitudes affect others. This really highlights areas where you might be avoiding some deeper issues. So those would be a couple of things for increasing your self-awareness. What about embracing vulnerability, which I think is another good way to shift?
25:40 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, and this is something that might be helpful for me in this moment as well. So really looking at open communication, so practicing open and honest communication in your relationships, whenever we're sharing our true feelings with people we're close to, it encourages them to do the same thing. This helps build your relationship, builds deeper trust and deeper connection. Right, it can help with communicating through challenges. It allows us to face those challenges head on. Instead of avoiding difficult emotions or situations, we can confront them directly, which leads to personal growth and a more authentic way of living.
Another strategy for shifting is to really cultivate and lean into empathy and compassion. So active listening is part of that. With active listening, we focus on truly understanding others' perspectives and feelings, which helps us move beyond concern for ourselves and develop a more compassionate approach to interactions with others. And another way to do this is to actively volunteer or help others. Engaging in these acts of kindness and service can really shift focus from ourselves to others, fostering a sense of connection and higher purpose. And it really feels good to help others. I mean it's kind of ingrained in us as human beings when we're stepping outside of ourselves and doing things for others, it actually gives us a very good feeling, so that's I think that also is kind of a focus on personal growth, like when you do those kinds of things, it's helping you grow as a person and that personal growth is another way to shift.
27:21 - Jody (Co-host)
So identifying and pursuing goals that really align with your values and passions, I think just when you have a sense of purpose and fulfillment, beyond those immediate achievements, you can develop. You just personally begin to develop and then committing to lifelong learning. I think the continuous learning and self-improvement is so important. Reading books, take courses, workshops that really challenge your current perspectives, conversations that challenge your current perspectives, and just trying to expand your understanding those things really encourage that personal growth. And then, along with personal growth, is just that growth mindset trying to develop that growth mindset versus just that static.
28:09 - Judy (Host)
28:09 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, how to develop a growth mindset, really embracing challenges and viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. And when you have a growth mindset it encourages such resilience and a proactive approach to your whole personal development. Just having that growth mindset and then I think one of the most important things we can ever do is just learning from failures and reflecting on them. Reflect on those setbacks as valuable learning experiences, so helping that those things alone will help us develop a more positive and constructive attitude toward difficulties and all of these things.
Let's remember the purpose of these is to help us learn how to shift ourself into a higher level.
28:51 - Judy (Host)
So right and we'll be going through those higher levels um later on in the podcast as well yeah, yeah, exactly.
And I'd say, one final way to shift is to think about gratitude and positivity as well. So we've talked about journaling in the past, in past episodes. This can be a really helpful thing to capture what you're grateful for, you know and leaning into that, shifting your focus away from what's lacking to what's abundant in life. Also, positive affirmations using using these positive statements to reinforce a higher level of energy and mindset. This can help reframe those negative thoughts and promote a more optimistic outlook.
29:34 - Jody (Co-host)
Yeah, you know what I think of whenever I hear positive affirmations. I think of the skit from Saturday Night.
29:39 - Judy (Host)
Live. I know you were going to say that, stuart Smalley. Yeah, I think it was.
29:44 - Jody (Co-host)
Stuart Smalley, and he'd look in the mirror and say you're good enough, you're smart enough, you're wise enough.
29:49 - Judy (Host)
And I like you and gosh darn it. I like you, gosh darn it. Yeah, something like that.
29:53 - Jody (Co-host)
Love that. But, really, if you can incorporate all of these types of strategies in your daily life, you're going to gradually be able to shift yourself from level three energy to any of the higher levels, and by doing this, the goal is to focus on getting deeper connection, greater fulfillment and just living more authentically.
30:14 - Judy (Host)
Right, so we've given you a lot of information in this episode, so why don't we think about what the key takeaways are?
30:22 - Jody (Co-host)
Okay, and the number one thing is level three, energy. It's that pivotal transition. So again, it takes you from that catabolic into the first level of anabolic, so you're moving towards a more positive energy. When you're at this level, you focus more on making the best of challenging or less than ideal situations, by emphasizing those positives without but you're not still ignoring the negatives, but you're able to emphasize the positives.
30:51 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, it's about taking responsibility for your feelings and choices, seeing the silver lining and finding ways to move forward, and emotions like forgiveness and letting go of resentment can create a sense of relief and peace of mind. While level three is not the highest level for leadership and personal growth, it does foster cooperation, adaptability and conflict resolution. It's a stage where we can cope by rationalizing and tolerating, maintaining progress toward those personal goals despite the obstacles.
31:27 - Jody (Co-host)
Right, right, good. So I think, in a call to action for people, take a moment to reflect on your own energy levels and as we go through all of these, it will all make more sense. But we've talked about the first three now. So see if you can identify where you are right now. As you do that, try not to take things personally, but instead practice. Maybe practice visioning, Think about where you'd like to be and connect emotionally with that vision, because it helps to ground yourself in your values, especially when your emotions feel distant and they often do when you're in level three so your values can bring you back to what truly matters. So we'd love to hear your insights and observations and we've mentioned we have a Facebook page in your head with Jodi and Judy and we'd love for you to feel free to share those, any insights you might have on our Facebook page. Ask questions if you have any about any of the levels one, two or three.
32:23 - Judy (Host)
Yeah, We'd love to hear from you, so let's talk about what's coming up next. So our next episode is all about level four, of course, and this, this energy, is more anabolic than level three. This is the level that really helps us to unlock the power of compassion and real connection. At level four energy, collaboration thrives and empathy drives success. This is where you can really begin to transform your relationships and your leadership style, so it's very exciting. We look forward to diving into that. For now, thank you for listening and stay positive.