In Your Head with Jodi and Judy

Episode 20: Unlocking Limitless Creativity and Awareness: Exploring Level Seven Energy

Jodi & Judy

What if you could experience life without limitations and turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth? Join us, Jodi and Judy, as we explore the highest level of energy in the Energy Leadership Index, level seven, where pure awareness and boundless creativity flourish. Together, we'll uncover how this remarkable energy level transcends fear and judgment, allowing individuals to operate from a place of profound joy, unconditional love, and visionary leadership. Through compelling examples, like Sarah's innovative problem-solving and the resilience and ingenuity showcased during the Apollo 13 crisis, we illustrate how adopting a level seven mindset can revolutionize personal and professional landscapes.

Inspired by the extraordinary resilience of Viktor Frankl, we examine practical methods for accessing this elevated energy state. Discover how practices such as meditation, gratitude, and letting go of ego-based attachments can shift your perspective and unlock infinite possibilities. By examining tools that foster inner peace and creativity, we offer a pathway to align with your highest self and embrace each moment as a chance for creation. Whether you're facing a daunting crisis or seeking to enrich your daily life, this episode offers insights to help you achieve clarity, innovation, and limitless potential. Join our conversation and start your journey towards experiencing pure freedom with the understanding of level seven energy.


(00:00) Exploring Level Seven Energy in E L I
Level seven energy embodies pure awareness, limitless creativity, and infinite possibilities, allowing us to transcend limitations and embrace our highest potential.

(15:16) Transformation Through Level Seven Energy
Developing a growth-oriented mindset leads to success, transparency, collaboration, and level seven energy, as seen in Sarah's proactive approach and the Apollo 13 crisis.

(27:32) Accessing Level Seven Energy Through Mindset
Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, accessing higher energy levels, and practical tools for personal growth and well-being.

00:00 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Welcome to In your Head with Jodi and Judy. I'm Judy and I'm Jodi. Over the past six episodes, we've been exploring the Energy Leadership Index, or the ELI as we call it. We've covered energy levels one through six so far and as we dive into today's episode, the important thing to remember is that our energy exists on a spectrum. So we have catabolic, which is lower energy levels one and two. We also have anabolic, and those energies are levels three through seven. So today we're excited to explore level seven energy, which is the pinnacle of the Energy Leadership Index. 

00:42 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
That's right. So level seven is the highest. It's purely anabolic embodies, pure awareness, limitless creativity and infinite possibilities. So it really is a level where it's just total non-judgment. We have deep wisdom. We can transcend fear, doubt, any kind of ego-based limitations. 

01:05 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, I like to think of it as, at this level, we're letting go of attachment. We're not attached to things the way we are when we're in other energy, space or mindsets. We can see life as sort of a playground for creation. It's really the energy of pure freedom, where every moment holds potential for something right. 

01:27 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Right, right, and no one operates solely at level seven, just like nobody operates at any one level, but we can access it intentionally and unlock our highest potential. So, even if it isn't a constant, we tap into that level seven during moments of deep insight or flow or periods of inspiration, and we have those kind of aha, eureka moments where everything just clicks. 

01:53 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah Well, let's dive into the possibilities here. So why don't we start with really defining what exactly is level seven energy At its core. We've talked a little bit about it and we're going to go into a little bit more detail. And so, at its core, it's the energy of pure creation and non judgment, that lack of attachment. Right, it's about seeing ourselves as the architects of our reality. 

02:20 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
At this level also, duality dissolves. So we don't really see any kind of right or wrong, there's no good or bad. Everything just simply is, and from that space we can create without any kind of limits. 

02:33 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah. So a lot of times, as we're exploring energy levels, we talk about the core thoughts, emotions and actions or results. So let's get into that with level seven. Core thoughts might be I create my reality and every experience has a value. Emotions one might have at this energy are really pure joy. Pure joy, unconditional love, and really deep inner peace. And really deep inner peace and actions and results. We can expect to have profound moments of clarity. It's you know. We can experience visionary leadership, for example, and we also experience that alignment with our highest self at this level. 

03:19 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
And people. At this level they consciously co-create. So understanding that winning and losing are human-made concepts and from that space is really where we're able to have that true genius emerge. And it's really stepping into alignment with the universe, and creation just flows effortlessly. This all sounds a little woohoo-ish, doesn't it effortlessly. 

03:45 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
This all sounds a little woohoo-ish, doesn't it? It does, but I actually I really like woohoo. Woohoo resonates with me, and so we're going to dive in and give you more examples and talk about this energy level more, but it's a really cool place when you can access it. It's just a very interesting energy level to work with. 

04:04 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, when you think about just not having anything that limits you, because what limits us in life? Is our preconceived ideas of the good and the bad. That's right. What's true, what's false? Judgment yeah it's that judgment, and when you truly can let go of that, it puts you in a whole different space. 

04:20 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
The possibilities are limitless at this level, and that's what you begin to see when you get into this. So what does level seven sound like? So you might hear things like what can we create from this? Everything is unfolding perfectly, let's explore without limits, and every challenge is an opportunity to innovate. So some of these thoughts and statements that resonate with level seven also resonate with, maybe, levels five and six but at level seven. It's even more intense, it's more at an esoteric sort of higher level way of thinking. What else would you say? 

05:02 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, I think if you went really pure level seven, those kinds of phrases are going to go even deeper. So a phrase like everything just is there's that acceptance and that non-duality. I'm everything and nothing at the same time. There are no problems, only experiences. So being able to look at every situation is just for what it is, that experience All possibilities exist at once, and time is just an illusion. Those would be some, I think, purely level seven comments. Yeah. 

05:36 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Time is an illusion. It's hard to get your mind around that sometimes. Right, yeah, I wish, because we feel like, if you know, I'm speaking for everyone on the planet. Actually, I'm not, but I feel, like I am sometimes that time is so fleeting, yeah Right, and so to be able to get into a space of time is just an illusion here, and that sounds very freeing just thinking that. 

05:57 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)

05:58 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
So you know what are the common themes. What makes these statements distinctly level seven? Again, they don't contain attachment or judgment. There's no resistance, there's no categorization, just pure awareness and infinite potential. Level seven energy is expansive, open and completely free of judgment. It's all about embracing the infinite possibilities. 

06:26 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
So let's talk about who would embody level seven energy Like. What kind of people are they? Those that operate here typically see life as a creative journey and they inspire others through their vision and their innovation. They're often seen as pioneers, like great innovators or spiritual leaders who inspire unity, creativity, that limitless thinking. They're the individuals who create something from nothing and who approach life with just boundless passion and acceptance. 

So, to give you some examples of this, spiritual leaders think about, like the Dalai Lama, eckhart, tolle, rumi oh the poet, yep, yep. Visionaries and inventors such as Albert Einstein, nikola Tesla, even Steve Jobs at his most inspired. And then you've got artists and performers, people like Prince or David Bowie. 

07:19 - Judy Gelniak (Host)

07:20 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Think how different they are Athletes that are just kind of in flow state, like Michael Jordan, serena Williams, tom Brady. 

07:28 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yep, those are great examples. Well, let's think about organizations, companies that demonstrate the levels of energy and, at level seven, foster breakthrough thinking, innovation, and really have that mission-driven approach and they're living it not just having the approach but actually demonstrating it in their inner workings. 

So companies that tap into this include the company TED that shares all of those transformational ideas through talks that others give Burning man. Really, that radical creativity and that unity consciousness that goes on at those events would be another example of like an organization, patagonia. They have a very ethical leadership model and a sustainably driven business. And then even maybe OpenAI. You know, this is a nonprofit that is expanding human intelligence and possibility through AI programs. What else would you say, jodi? 

08:27 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, I can't think of any. But you know, when businesses and leaders operate at level seven, they create from inspiration rather than fear and they really can completely transform industries and society. 

08:39 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
So, just like every level of energy, level seven comes with some incredible benefits, as we've been talking about, and also with some potential challenges. So let's focus on the benefits first. So again, there's that pure creativity. So at level seven, there are no limitations again, only infinite possibilities. This state of mind, I think, really allows for groundbreaking innovation, inspired action and the ability to see solutions beyond traditional constraints. It's where intuition and insight flow together effortlessly, leading to those truly transformative ideas. So it's a pure creation and there's also deep peace that comes from this. So imagine like we're talking about with time, with freedom from judgment, freedom from those time limitations for both ourselves and others. It comes with a profound inner calmness. If that makes sense, does? 

09:37 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
that just make sense. Yeah, it totally makes sense. 

09:40 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Level seven energy allows us to detach from those emotions of fear, doubt, those external pressures we feel, even internal pressures, right? It fosters a sense of peace that is unwavering regardless of our circumstances. So we could be in challenging circumstances, but if we're able to access this level, it no longer feels challenging, right? This deep serenity enhances clarity and decision-making, as you can imagine, and another benefit is the empowerment we feel. So at this level, we fully embrace that we are the creators of our reality. We have gotten into that space with lower levels, like four, five, six, but seven is where we fully embrace that, instead of feeling like life and circumstances are happening to us, we recognize that our perceptions, really our choices and our energy shape our experiences instead. So this awareness unlocks an immense sense of personal power, allowing us to lead with confidence and purpose. 

10:43 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah, I love that. I love that. That the phrase feeling like life is happening to us. Like so many people, we live that way, but so those are pretty profound benefits. But, as with all the levels, it's important to recognize that it also comes with its own set of challenges. So when we stay too long in this elevated state, we actually can create distance from the practical aspects of life and from even those people around us. So here's where imbalance can show up, is there can be a detachment from reality, because level seven again being about limitless potential and seeing beyond ordinary constraints, about limitless potential and seeing beyond ordinary constraints, there's a risk of becoming too removed from the real tangible world and everyday responsibilities, your relationships, even practical concerns that might start to feel insignificant, make it difficult to stay engaged, like in the here and the now. 

So I don't know, does that make sense? 

11:42 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, yeah, and then you could be seen as aloof, right? If you're constantly thinking about you know, does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, and then you could be seen as aloof, right If? You're constantly thinking about. You know on a greater, higher plane than everyone else. People can't relate to that, yeah. 

11:52 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah, so this makes it difficult sometimes to relate to others, because when operating at this level, conversations about struggles or limitations might just feel irrelevant, because you see everything as energy and possibility. So it's a powerful perspective. But others might perceive it as disconnected or dismissive of their real life experiences, and that just makes deep connection, empathy, more challenging. Yeah, very true, yeah. The last thing that I think is a challenge or kind of a downside of level seven is that lack of practical action. Because when you're in that, pure creativity and infinite possibilities are incredible, you can get ungrounded and that can sometimes lead to inaction. So if we stay there too long in that realm of ideas without balancing it with lower level energies which this is when they can be a good thing, having those lower levels because they drive execution we might struggle to turn our vision into reality Makes sense. 

12:49 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, it's hard to take action at level seven because everything's so expansive. There's no practical side to that, right Inherently, and so how? 

12:57 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
can we? 

12:57 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
get into the practical without changing our mindset and tipping back down. So what we're really saying is that understanding both sides allows us to harness level seven strengths while staying balanced and grounded. This is why we want to shift between those levels. 

13:12 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Right, it's about using this energy strategically to spark innovation, find deep peace and to elevate how we lead and live. And just a little preview we're going to talk about this because we talked about how you know intentionally choosing to use certain levels and how these they do. They interplay, and we're going to talk about that in our last episode on energy. 

13:32 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, the one after this one, right? Yep? So let's for a minute here. Let's explore level seven, energy in action and talk about some hypothetical examples where you can see the impact of it. Let's say we've got someone her name is Sarah. Let's say she's a visionary entrepreneur running a tech startup and her team hits a major roadblock. A high profile client project is delayed because of technical issues. So how do you think most leaders would react in that situation? What comes to mind for you, jodi? 

14:11 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, I think most leaders probably would panic right, Just feeling the pressure of the client relationship potentially falling apart. It's easy to start pointing fingers and scrabbling for quick fixes, but Sarah doesn't do that. She stays calm and curious. And what do you think that does about her leadership style, Judy? 

14:32 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Well, I think it could show you know, if someone's able to do that, that they're operating from a place at that level seven. They're not reactive or defensive. Instead, they're gathering. Sarah might be gathering her team together and asking what can we learn from this setback? How can we use this challenge to create something even better for the client? What do you think about that? 

14:57 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
approach. Well, I love just the reframing of the problem as an opportunity. So, instead of dwelling on what went wrong, just it sounds like she's steering the conversations more towards innovation and solutions. It's like she's saying okay, this happened, now how do we grow from it? I don't. Do you think, do you think, that's a mindset that people can develop, or is it just natural for some people? I? 

15:23 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
think both. I think some people, naturally, that resonates within them more based on their life experiences and their you know daily life and how they see the world. But I also think it can be cultivated as well. I mean, that's what we're talking about with mindset is. It's a choice, right, and that's the whole concept here, and it's scientifically proven. You know that we do have a choice and that we can make these changes. So, yeah, I think it can be both. So in this instance, I think you know we can say that Sarah's not ignoring the problem. She's addressing it head on, but with the focus on growth and collaboration, right, she even reaches out to the client, maybe, if she's in level seven, explaining the situation transparently and might be offering proactive solutions. What do you think might happen if someone were to do that? You know that sense of transparency and how that might might impact the relationship with the client. 

16:19 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, I think it would be huge. Yeah, clients want to feel like they're in good hands and I think when you're upfront in your solution oriented, you're definitely building trust. So she's not just fixing the problem, she's showing them that her team's committed to delivering something even better than originally planned and it's turning that potential disaster into a win-win. So I'm curious to know what this would do for the team's morale. 

16:44 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah Well, I think you know it's got to be a game changer. Instead of feeling that stress of you know the oh crap moment or feeling defeated, the team would instead likely feel empowered, and that, would you know, resilience and optimism could create a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. Do you think that this kind of leadership is what sets apart truly successful companies, or is it something else? 

17:23 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
No, I absolutely think this is what makes a very successful company different. It's what makes a company very successful, because it's not just about solving those immediate problems, but it's fostering that mindset where challenges are seen as opportunities. And, like you mentioned, she set that example and that's what true, you know, level seven leadership is. It's setting the example too, and I think that kind of culture also is the kind of culture that attracts top talent. It builds on long-term success. So her level seven energy isn't just helping her navigate this one crisis, it's setting the tone for how the entire company operates. 

18:01 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah yeah, I think so too, and I think that's the key takeaway here. Level seven energy or mindset isn't just about staying calm under pressure. That's certainly part of it, but it's not doesn't stop there. It's about leading with curiosity, collaboration and a belief that every obstacle is a chance to innovate and grow. So Sarah, when this happens, she's not sitting there in a panic or feeling negative emotions about any one person. She's risen above all of that to be at a higher plane, looking at how we're all connected here and how we can innovate to help the client and therefore help ourselves and the organization. So it goes beyond, even beyond just collaboration. It goes into that higher plane, yeah, yeah. So what's one thing you think listeners can take away from Sarah's example and maybe how they can apply it in their lives? 

18:59 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
or work, I'd say what stands out to me, it's that power of reframing something. So when things are going wrong, instead of getting stuck and being frustrated or starting to blame people asking yourself what can I learn from this, how can I turn it into an opportunity. It's that small shift in the mindset, but it can make such a huge difference in how you lead and how you live. 

19:21 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, I love that. Reframing is a very simple tool, but it's also very powerful. I think Sarah's story is just such a great example of how level seven energy can transform challenges into catalysts for growth. And I will say that a lot of these tools that we're talking about, like the reframing, it's not just a level seven energy mindset. I mean this can be used in any level to help you move forward and get to solutions. Level seven is really about being able to see the bigger picture from a higher stance of lack of judgment when you're challenged right, and so that's what we're talking about really here. 

So a lot of these other things are important to level seven, but can also be experienced in other levels. 

20:04 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah Well, so I love hypotheticals, which that's kind of a hypothetical story, but I do love a real life story now and then. So we talked about you know what's something real life where you could see level seven in action, and we kind of came up with the Apollo 13 crisis where failure was just not an option in that situation. So, just as a reminder, what happened is an oxygen tank exploded on Apollo 13 and the astronaut's survival was at risk, and NASA's response to this disaster demonstrated level seven energy, probably at its finest. So just a few key points. We won't go deeply into the story, but rather than panicking or signing blame, which are low level energies, the engineers shifted into pure problem solving mode, with pure clarity and detachment from fear, and they viewed the crisis through the lens of possibility, asking how do we make this work? And by repurposing available materials like duct tape and other spare parts, they actually created an improvised CO2 filter, which was an unprecedented solution. So ego and fear-based decisions had no place in this disaster. It was pure innovation, collaboration, ingenuity. 

21:17 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, well, there was a movie on this, right? Yeah, was it just called Apollo 13? 

21:22 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
I don't remember. Yeah, tom Hanks, I think. 

21:25 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
And so again to our points about level seven, energy. These people did not see the situation as bad. It simply was right and they operated from that space of limitless potential, focusing on creativity. They needed to solve this rather than reacting emotionally. Can you imagine Once your emotions get involved, all chaos breaks out right? So they were able to transition and enter into that state of flow where fear dissolves and only the solutions exist, which was super important, obviously, for the success of the mission and the lives that were saved. That's an extreme example. 

Very, I love it A little different. 

22:11 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Quite different than Sarah's little problem with technology, but a little bit. So let's dive into our next example about level seven, energy, and this would be more in a personal context. So Judy and I do a lot of career coaching, so we we kind of talked this through and we talked about we work with a lot of people who have been laid off. So we've got an example Alex, who's been in a corporate leadership role for 20 years and then, just out of the blue, got unexpectedly laid off, and this happens all the time. How do you think most people would react to that kind of life transition, judy? 

22:47 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Well, it depends on whether they saw it coming or not, but a lot of people are shocked, they're in, sometimes they go through the stages of disbelief, anger, right, and there's usually a series of emotions that come from that kind of news. Maybe they're devastated, feel panicked. Oh my God, what am I going to do? I have to have a job. I have all these family members I have to support, and losing a job after two decades is particularly difficult. I mean, you haven't been in the job market for such a long time at that point, so it's a very even scarier place to be and it can be a huge blow to your identity and your sense of again that security. But let's continue on our path here, on our story, and let's identify that Alex doesn't go down that path. What does he do instead? Instead, he taps into level seven energy, and what might happen to Alex doing that Well in this situation. 

23:41 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
at level seven, he would not judge the situation as good or bad. He's looking at it as it's a blank canvas. So, instead of falling into the fear of frustration, actually can take a step back and reflect. Frustration actually can take a step back and reflect, and by being able to reflect, it leads you to something pretty amazing. So what do you? 

23:59 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
think yeah, I love that part. 

24:00 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
The idea of reflection. Yeah, so he's actually able to discover a lot. 

24:07 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
He might realize that he's always had a passion for mentoring others or whatever interests he has. At that point, he might be looking at his self-interest in terms of ideas for next steps or maybe even ideas for an in the meantime experience, while he's looking. 

It could be like his layoff becomes a wake-up call to then pursue something he's been putting off for a long time, right? Or maybe even just ignoring because he doesn't have time. So he could choose. Instead of rushing into another corporate job, he could really lean into a different path altogether. Maybe he wants to be an executive coach. 

Maybe he wants to be a career coach. Great job, it's just a great job. So what would we say? That shift actually says about level seven energy, do you think? Well, it shows that it actually says about level seven energy, do you think? 

24:54 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Well, it shows that it's all about seeing possibilities right. So, even if it feels like a loss because it might feel that way, but he doesn't just bounce back he reinvents himself in a way that aligns with his deeper purpose. So it's not just about finding another job, it's about creating a life that feels meaningful, and I'm sure that mindset impacts his future. 

25:18 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Sure, yeah, I mean. Anytime we're connecting with more meaning in our lives and our work and our personal lives, there's a huge impact. So by embracing his career transition as an opportunity, he might find not only a new career but also a way to help others navigate their own challenges. You know, as an executive coach, it's almost like this layoff wasn't an ending. It was the start of something even better. 

You know, there's that cheesy. You know, one door closes, another one opens, right. So that's an example of this. But level seven is taking a big challenge like that, and being able to rise above it to make something happen from that space of this isn't bad or good. This is an experience. So what's one takeaway you would say might come out of Alex's story? 

26:08 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
I'd say it's the power of pausing and reflecting, especially during tough transitions, because it's really easy to react out of fear and rush into the next thing. But if you can take a moment to ask yourself like what's possible here, what's been calling me that I haven't had the courage to pursue, that's where all the magic happens. And that's that's when you can actually get there, the magic happens, and that's that's when you can actually get there. 

26:37 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Again, this is a time when, if you can choose to just respond this way and intentionally respond in level seven, like just the possibilities that open up like you could have missed, oh yeah, that's a whole thing of you know, the whole idea that we're priming our brains to look for things that from a positive outlook and we're able to see them, whereas if we're not thinking that way, these things are passing us by, these opportunities, right. So I totally agree, it's a reminder that even the hardest moments think about that, the hardest moments. We're not talking about the hardest moment here with the loss of a job, but it's hard but it's not the hardest right. 

The hardest moments can be catalysts for growth if we approach them with that non-judgment where we can then lean into the curiosity and the openness from there. Really hard to do. We're going to talk about ways that we can do this in a bit, but I think this story that we're talking about is a great example of how we can access this energy and turn loss into opportunity. So here's an example of someone in real life. We're talking about some of these hypotheticals before. So we've talked before in other podcast episodes about Viktor Frankl, because he really epitomized the ability to choose one's mindset and perspective in extreme circumstances. 

Right, so he was a psychiatrist Austrian, he was a Holocaust survivor, he lived through those extreme conditions in a concentration camp and instead of succumbing to despair and feeling victimized which he very much was that's a level one. Or instead of being in level two, which is anger, right For one circumstances he at some point realized that, while he couldn't control what was happening to him I mean, that's a situation where you say, gosh, life is really happening to me right now. Right, instead of succumbing to that, he realized that, while he couldn't control these things, he had complete control over what he thought and how he looked at these things. So in this way, very, very extreme another very real, extreme circumstance, right, we're talking about here he was able to transcend the suffering, recognizing that his freedom actually rested in his perception of what was going on. So he was able to reframe his suffering as an opportunity to learn, diving into his craft right as a psychiatrist, psychologist, ultimately developing what's called logotherapy, which was, and maybe still is, a revolutionary approach to psychology. 

Right, and so he took I, I it still astounds me when I talk about it like it almost gives me chills because it's hard to imagine being in that situation and being able to do what he was able to do. So there's a book. I think it's man's search for meaning. Is that the name of his book? 

29:27 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
I think that's what it's called. I've got it sitting here somewhere, yeah, but again, it was that reframing. And so to just wrap that story up, like why that reflects level seven, energy is number one. He saw beyond the circumstance and he lived in a space of inner peace and possibility. He understood that suffering exists only when we resist it. So otherwise, it just simply is Right, that's level seven. Otherwise, it just simply is Right, that's level seven. That's level seven. And he operated from wisdom and creation and non-attachment, and he transformed this horrible experience as I'm judging it as horrible into a legacy of resilience and meaning. It's pretty powerful, oh, extremely, yeah. So let's talk about how to shift to level seven and then kind of harness that energy. The key really is to understanding the different levels of energy and to learn to recognize where you are and then being able to shift to the higher level that serves you better. 

30:25 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Right. And so there are some practices you can engage with and we're going to share some ideas with you, but really it starts with a few key things. One is, as we talked about before, letting go of judgment, detaching from what's happening, seeing experiences as just that, experiences, without labeling them this is good or this is bad, right. And another one is to step into creation. That means ask what do I want to create from this, what can I create from this? Right, and we can only really do that when we have detached right and let go of that judgment and we want to stay open, be curious about possibilities without attachment to specific outcomes. That's a very hard thing to do as well, right? Because automatically what we decide, what we want to come from something and we have a specific outcome we want. But sometimes the power really is in being curious about all the different possibilities without that. And then practicing gratitude. Everyone's heard a lot about this, right? Yeah, it really does work, by the way, and this can help. When you practice gratitude, whether it's through journaling or reflection, you're really recognizing the value in every experience, and when you get good at this, you start to see the value and even challenges, yeah, yeah. So those are. I think those are some great practices. So let's talk about, like actual tools that you can use and some methods that you can use to to access pure awareness. So, again, meditation is a practice. It's not something if you've never done it, that you're going to get into a little sun right away, but with practice we definitely will meditate. We've talked before through positive intelligence program when we were focused on that in a previous series. 

You can use these short mini meditations we call them PQ reps to engage the other side of our brains, if you will, the side that is nonjudgmental and open. So really it's just about focusing on one body sensation fingertips rubbing together or how your feet feel on the floor and just focusing on that allows you to drop the negativity or the thoughts that you're having that are keeping you from this level seven energy. You can also observe your thoughts without identifying with them. So it's almost like you are a participant and an observer, right? So you are engaging with the idea that you're having these thoughts but you're able to see them from a third party perspective without actually identifying with them. 

And then you can also try guided meditations on pure consciousness and infinite possibility. Those are really cool, I think, for a different type of meditation experience, and then also thinking about using breath work to shift from the thinking mode to being fully present in the moment. Again, focusing on the rising and falling of your stomach, for example, is a way to shift away from the logical brain into the side of the brain that is more expansive. We use the brain analogy a lot here, but that's just really focusing on a bodily sensation can, even for a few seconds, can really help. What do you think? 

34:00 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
What do you-? Well, one that I think of is trying to detach from ego and identity, because when you're level seven, it transcends that personal identity or any kind of labels and ways you can do. That would be things like instead of saying I am a, you know, whatever your job title or your role, try, I'm consciousness and experiencing this. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, reflect. So if I lost my job or relationship or status, who would I be? Think about that, you know, really reflecting on, like, because, again, you aren't those things, and then seeing yourself as just limitless energy rather than a fixed identity. Yeah, I like that one too. 

34:48 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
I mean it reminds me of like connecting to a broader, to the broader universe, to universal intelligence. Right, this is level seven. It's esoteric, it's woo-woo and it's also fabulous. So it's like that connection to something greater. It's also this feeling that we're all connected, we're all consciousness, we're all connected in this greater fabric of the universe. Ways to kind of access that sort of feeling are to spend time in nature and feel that interconnectedness that one feels when we're quiet and in nature. Visualization or lucid dreaming, lucid dreaming, is very cool, and so that is another way to kind of tap into the higher consciousness. You could also look, read science. You could read about quantum physics, the non-duality or spiritual philosophies. These are all things that you can engage with to understand level seven and to tap into it a bit more. 

35:47 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah, and then another thing is just actually being able to see those infinite possibilities. So, when you're at level seven. There is no such thing as failure. Right, right. 

There's only those possibilities, there's only the experiences that I'm having and the way I can grow from these experiences. So the way this works would really be to like reframe your challenges so what's the hidden gift in this? And then shift your mindset from I have no options here to infinite possibilities exist right now, and then embracing the paradox that what if both outcomes are true at once? 

36:27 - Judy Gelniak (Host)

36:27 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Right, right, right, right, right. And then one other is the kind of radical acceptance of the present moment, which is really all about full acceptance and surrender. So thinking or saying everything is exactly as it should be, nothing needs to change, and we often are looking for you know what's next. What's next, I've got to move to the next step or whatever, but like just accepting that as things are today is exactly how it should be, and feeling your emotions fully, without attaching a story to them. And then, I think, letting go of expectations and just simply experience what's happening, what is happening right now, and not have any kind of expectation or label or judgment of it. 

37:16 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, I think that one of the keys for me is just trusting that you are the creator of your own experience, really trusting in that it takes practice, but as you cultivate awareness in this flow of level seven and acceptance, you will open yourself up to those moments of boundless potential. We don't stay in level seven for very long because it's a very difficult level to achieve and there are good reasons why we wouldn't want to stay in that all the time. But when you do experience it, you will know it and maybe you've even experienced it already and can recognize it in what we're talking about. But it really is a beautiful energy level. 

37:52 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah, it's one of the. It's the level that rarely am I there, but when I do go there, I choose to go there, yeah, so, yeah, I try to choose. You know where I'm at all the time, but it is one like where I intentionally have to go. Okay, I just need to approach this with a level seven. 

So, okay, let's recap here. Level seven, energy again, is just pure possibility, freedom from judgment and stepping into the role of creator of your own life. So it's not just a mindset, it's actually a way of being that transforms how you see and how you interact with the world. 

38:30 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
And this week I'm going to throw out a challenge to take a moment to reflect on where you can approach life with this expansive mindset, this level seven. What would it look like to create without limits? Just thinking about that, what would that look like? What would that feel like? Where can you look at something you've labeled in your life as a problem or challenge and how can you reframe it into an opportunity or even a gift? 

38:59 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Yeah, I love that and here. So here's another call to action. I would say choose one area of your life where maybe you've felt stuck or you've felt very limited and ask yourself what if this isn't a roadblock, what if it's a doorway? What could I create if I saw this as a blank canvas? And just take one small step this week to explore that possibility. 

39:21 - Judy Gelniak (Host)
Yeah, excellent. We want to remember that. Level seven energy isn't about having all the answers. Energy isn't about having all the answers. It's about trusting in your ability to find them. So it's letting go of the need to have an answer as a leader, as a parent, as a human being. Right? So join us next time as we dive even deeper into how all seven energy levels in the ELI shape our lives, our relationships and our potential. It'll be a really great episode to recap all the levels and bring everything home together at once. 

39:55 - Jodi Hallerman (Co-host)
Right Until then. Trust in your power to create. It's up to you. Embrace life's infinite potential and know that every moment is an invitation to step into your highest self. Thanks for tuning in to In your Head with Jodi and Judy, and we'll see you next time. Bye for now.